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The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

Alanna Kologey

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor

Alanna is a senior at Lindale High School and is the Social Media Editor for the Eagle Eye. She participates in drill team and is an officer for the National Honors Society. Alanna also is a lead lifeguard at Splash Kingdom in Canton. In her free time, she love to travel, spend time with her friends and go to concerts. After Alanna graduates, she hope to attend Baylor University or Texas Tech to study biology and premedical to later become an anesthesiologist  or CRNA.

All content by Alanna Kologey

Freshman Survival Guide

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
August 19, 2019
Senior Tawnya Jones holds up her acceptance letter into the TJC Apache Belles. This was after her second day audition.

Senior Makes TJC Apache Belles

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
May 15, 2019
Texas Representative Louie Gohmert speaks in the lecture hall. Gohmert spoke about his life and the government.

U.S. Representative Speaks to Seniors

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
April 30, 2019
Featured Face: Chloe Smith

Featured Face: Chloe Smith

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
April 29, 2019
Senior Lily Phillips poses during her senior shoot. Lily joined her rep team her junior year.

Lights, Camera, Represent

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
April 22, 2019
A student scrolls through his Apply Pay app. About 70.9% of students use  online payments.

Taking Transactions to Technology

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
April 17, 2019
Student council hosts Patients for Pennies. A fundraiser for patients with leukemia and lymphoma.

Pennies for Patients

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
March 2, 2019
Sophomore Jaden Revees clicks through his Youtube channel. He has had his channel for only a few months and has over 3,000 subscribers.

Sophomore Creates YouTube Channel

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
February 14, 2019
Kaitlyn Gibson and Sydni Segroves pose together for a selfie in Time Square.

Star Steppers Take Trip to the Big Apple

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
January 25, 2019
Construction begins on Eagles Stadium. It is expected to be completed by the first home football game of the 2019-2020 school year.

[Photo] Construction Starts on Eagle Stadium

Bailey Spencer, Assistant Editor of Copy
January 23, 2019
Featured Face: Kayleigh Lawless

Featured Face: Kayleigh Lawless

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
January 14, 2019
My car accident happened at the intersection of Loop 323 and Old Van Highway. It was my first serious accident.

Crashing into Reality

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
December 11, 2018
Student writes a letter to a veteran. Brookshire's hosts a trip for Veterans to Washington D.C.

Letters to the Veterans

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
November 12, 2018
Senior Wins Athlete of the Week

Senior Wins Athlete of the Week

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
October 10, 2018
Gill poses with her friend  before prom.

Featured Faces: Brayden Gill

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
September 24, 2018
Grace Yancey poses for a picture in her vintage outfit. Yancey uses clothes from the 70s and 80s to express herself.

What’s Old is New Again

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
September 12, 2018
Not An Ordinary Birthday

Not An Ordinary Birthday

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
June 6, 2018
Ally Perkins holds a thumb up after her appendix surgery. She stays postivie through prayer and worship during her hospital visits.

Fighting with Faith

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
April 26, 2018
My Mental Health Journey

My Mental Health Journey

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
March 13, 2018
Drill team captain Cassie Bennett and director Keri Pierce pose after group performance. Pierce took Bennett to all-state convention.

Starstepper Goes to Dance Convention

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
January 24, 2018

[Video] College Planning Brings Stress

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
December 18, 2017
Murder on the Orient Express was released on November 10, 2017. The total box office sales was 167.6 million.

Movie Review: Murder on the Orient Express

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
November 28, 2017
Students donate blood in the gym. The blood donated will go to several hospitals around the area.

High School Hosts Blood Drive

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
October 16, 2017
7  members of the UIL journalism team were named to the All-State Journalism Staff for 2017.

Students Named to All-State Journalism Staff

Alanna Kologey, Social Media Editor
September 12, 2017
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