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The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials

Joshua is a senior at Lindale High School and is the managing editor of technology for the Eagle Eye staff. He is also a fourth year member of the Lindale Speech and Debate team. He enjoys politics, philosophy, reading and spends most of his time in front of a computer.

All content by Joshua Smith
Senior Zach was the silver medalist in informative speaking and junior Halle Lambert was a state finalist in prose interpretation. This is Jones' last year of competition, whereas it's Lambert's first.

Speech Students Earn Medals at State Meet

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
May 31, 2021
Seniors Braden Heizer, Jackson Parrott, and Nick Clements compete in the sixth day of the physolympics. They are currently in first, leading the other students in points.

AP Physics Students Compete in ‘Physolympics’

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
May 19, 2021
Seniors will travel to the Six Flags theme park on Saturday, May 15. Project graduation organized this event as well as the senior prize dinner later this month.

Seniors To Go On Trip to Six Flags

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
May 14, 2021
Seniors Cameron Hilliard, Allison Somes, Sonny Mauldin, Kayleigh Horstkamp and Ben Watters pose for a picture during auditions. Tentative show dates are May 13, 14 and 16,

Seniors Direct End-of-Year Play

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
April 23, 2021
NHS hosts fundraiser for the Plunkett family, who's home burned down on February 25. It will end this Friday, March 19.

NHS Starts Fundraiser for Family in Need

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 18, 2021
Junior George Bond competes in finals of the virtual UIL Congress State debate meet. It was originally in person, but was moved online because of inclement weather.

Debate Students Compete in State Congressional Meet

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 1, 2021
Boys and Girls Basketball Have Deep Playoff Runs

Boys and Girls Basketball Have Deep Playoff Runs

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 1, 2021
'Soul' released on Disney+ on December 25 2020. It's the first blockbuster film to exclusively debut on the platform.

‘Soul’: A New Life

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
February 3, 2021
Act 10 is being held this month on January 30th.  Tickets went on sale, and are now available to the public.

Education Foundation Prepares for Act 10 Program

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
January 13, 2021
Junior Marlee Sorrells competes in the virtual feature-writing contest. She placed 6th individually in the fall MRC contest.

Journalism Students Take Home Awards at MRC Meet

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
December 20, 2020
Senior Phoenix Pittman (second from left) poses with preparation group at the 2020 TFA State tournament. This tournament was last March, and became a large source of inspiration for Pittman.

Senior Qualifies to Tournament of Champions For First Time in Event

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
November 25, 2020
Senior Runner Competes At Regionals In Honor of Injured Teammate

[Video] Senior Runner Competes At Regionals In Honor of Injured Teammate

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
November 19, 2020
This is a screenshot from Super Mario 64. This is the oldest game of the trio, as well as the first three-dimensional Mario title.

Mario’s 35th Anniversary Brings New Releases

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
November 14, 2020
Senior Tyler Thompson shows a heifer at the Texas State Fair.  He was there along with seniors Katie Smith and Easton Rushing (not pictured).

FFA Students Compete in State Fair

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
October 5, 2020
The bond made the new auxiliary gym possible. It now serves as not only a gym for practices, but games for JV and freshman as well.

Auxiliary Gym Gives Convenience to Students Across Campus

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
October 1, 2020
Seniors Zachary Jones and John Park sit across from sophomore Kylie Hester wearing their masks appropriately. Over the nose and secured under the chin is the most scientifically proven method by which masks should be worn.

Mask Wearing-Four Tips to Keep Students Safer

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 4, 2020

District Releases Awards Online Due to Covid-19 Shutdown

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
May 17, 2020
Nurse practictioner Kelly Cox poses for a picture. Cox is also a member of the Lindale school board.

Local Medical Professional Gives Insight on COVID-19 Virus

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
April 29, 2020
Advanced A/V students attended a screening of their film in Austin in February.

Film Students Win Governor’s Media Award

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
April 28, 2020
'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' is a game that simulates real life. This newest iteration is the fifth worldwide release of a game in the series.

‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’: Sometimes a Virtual World is Better

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 31, 2020
Opinion: is Online Schooling Better than Traditional Schooling? (CON)

Opinion: is Online Schooling Better than Traditional Schooling? (CON)

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 30, 2020
Bass stands with her award. She is one of the few students in recent memory from Lindale that has been awarded district student of the year.

Senior Awarded NSDA District Student of the Year

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
March 5, 2020
Photo by Universal Pictures 2019

‘Cats’: Hindsight is 20/20

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
January 31, 2020
This chart from the UIL website shows the classification details, by population size. Lindale High School has 1203 students, landing it in the 4A classification.

UIL Conference Re-alignment Places LISD in 4A

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
January 11, 2020
Bond Construction Continues: [Part II]

Bond Construction Continues: [Part II]

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
December 18, 2019
Senior Belle Yoder and Freshman Jaqueline Rand placed first today in Senior Prepared Speaking and Greenhand Speaking in the district contest. They both advance to Area in Marshall.

Pictures of The Week – 11/19/20

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
November 29, 2019
Construction in progress outside of the front entrance. This is the beginning of the process to lay the groundwork for the new buildings.

Bond Construction Proceeds at High School [Part I]

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 19, 2019
UIL journalism students stand together after their district competition. From here, alumni Bailey Spencer went to win feature writing at UIL state.

Students Named Members of UIL All-State Journalism Team

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 10, 2019
Crosswalks and pedestrian lanes have been created for students.  ALL students who walk from the parking lots, to the fields, or to the ag complex MUST stay in designated pedestrian lanes.

Construction Brings Important Changes for Students to Know

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
August 17, 2019
(From left to right) Siblings Sydney, Matthew and Joshua Smith stand on a train waiting for their picture to be taken. This picture  portrays three different types of people, and respectively their emotions.

Experience With Siblings

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
May 7, 2019
The mugger stole the purse of the woman. This is not an actual picture from the event.

Local Teacher Stops Mugging

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
April 30, 2019
Seniors Ashlyn Ellgass and Isabella Yoder stand at awards with coordinator Stephen Hindman. Both of them placed in the prepared speaking category of the contest.

Students Compete at Houston Livestock Show

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
April 10, 2019

Senior Finds a Haven of Hope

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
February 7, 2019
Audio and visual students have a filming day at Tiger Creek animal sanctuary. This is the first of the two days that they filmed.

Audio and Visual Students Submit UIL Films

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
January 18, 2019
Students study aquarium with Kim Saunders. They were given the project to study sustainability of ecosystems.

Science Classes Create Aquarium Ecosystems

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
November 12, 2018
Students from the 2017 PJ day show off how comfy coming to school in PJs can be.

Comfortable For A Cause

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 29, 2018
The contestants of East Texas Idol wait for the results of the first round. They had previously competed.

Singing For a Future

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 16, 2018
Superintendent Stan Surratt describes details about the bond. The bond has been in the works for 4 years.

School Board Approves Future Vote on Bond

Joshua Smith, Managing Editor of Entertainment and Editorials
September 7, 2018
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