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Head coach Chris Cochran holds the golden football trophy with the team. The Eagles won against Austin LBJ in the semifinal game with a score of 31-28.
Head coach Chris Cochran holds the golden football trophy with the team. The Eagles won against Austin LBJ in the semifinal game with a score of 31-28.
Kailee Huston

Making A Quiet Difference

Behind every great team is a great set of coaches

• Forward, march, kick.  • Down, set, hut.  • Bump, set, spike. Behind the students on the courts and fields is always a coaching team that has led teams to their victories and defeats. As they chart out plays and drills, work with players one-on-one, and give up their nights and weekends, their hard work is often unnoticed.

The coaches and directors of the LHS band, volleyball team, and football teams have recently led their teams into advanced stages of competition. The band received first place at the first UIL state military marching band competition, the volleyball team was the bi-district champions, and the football team became the state silver medalists.

“It has been an outstanding experience,” head band director Steven Moore said. “The band has worked so hard  all season long and their attitudes have been fantastic. To be the 1st 4A Military State Marching Champion is an historic event and we are proud that it is Lindale.”

The LHS band won first place at the first state UIL military marching band competition against the Spring Hill marching band. The scores were tied 8 to 8, but due to Lindale’s three first place rankings and Spring Hill’s two, Lindale won. 

“Mr. Moore has always been involved in the process of us going to state,” senior drum major Elizabeth Stone said. “He’s not only just our teacher, but also our friend. He’s constantly encouraging us and reminding us that we’re capable of things like making state and that attitude I think is what helps drive us towards achieving such big accomplishments.”

The football coaches have spent many hours going over plays and game film to help lead the team each week.  From hours in the weight room to after school meetings and practices, football coaches laid out the strategies needed to make it all the way to the state championship. 

“With a team, the aspect of leadership begins with the coaches,” varsity head captain Jaret Allen said. “From the coaches us players learn how to lead others, properly play the game, and to realize what the game is really about. Because of our coaches’ leadership, they’ve made a huge impact by teaching the players the basics of being a leader which resulted in us being able to get this far in the playoffs.”

Along with the football team and band, the volleyball team  earned the title of bi-district champions. The coaches spent many hours in the gym with the team perfecting serves, improving conditioning, and discussing strategy.

“Besides being an amazing coach, Coach Dimsdle cares about every girl on her team,” senior player Elizabeth Hutchens said. “She loves for us to succeed at volleyball but she also wants us to succeed in life. Having someone that cares that much about you on and off the court just makes you want to work hard and do your best.”

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