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Engineering Excellence

Engineering Excellence

Engineering students to learn new curriculum, perform new projects

LHS students enrolled in this year’s new engineering course will benefit from physics teacher, Duane Walton’s, recent training at UT Austin. When the course was first introduced to LHS, Walton agreed to teach the class and traveled to Austin for a two-week engineering training course.This course will allow Walton to give engineering students a hands-on experience to prepare them for college.

“A group of education professionals took us through the highpoints of the entire year’s course,” Walton said. “I got to see and do every project that my students will do this year, and was shown how it correctly worked and what the goals were. It was an extremely helpful trip; I know everything my students will  face this year because I was able to experience it directly.”

Walton spent 80 hours over the span of two weeks participating in this engineering course. He says this hands-on class will help students understand how AP Physics and AP Calculus are used in engineering.

“I’m excited for my students,” Walton said. “Every year I have a dozen or so in physics that are thinking about  pursuing engineering in college. This course will bring a good feel for the process of designing and producing a product. After this course, students will have a better understanding for  engineering as a profession and whether they want to pursue it in life as a career.”


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