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Junior Scarlett Blackburn ices her gingerbread, preparing for the contest.
Junior Scarlett Blackburn ices her gingerbread, preparing for the contest.
Haylee Haxton

Culinary Creations: Gingerbread Contest

On December 14th and 15th, LHS Culinary Arts students displayed gingerbread creations in the foyer. The student body then voted for their favorite treat created by the culinary classes on display in the contest.

“The purpose of this contest is to let our kids enjoy the holidays,” chef Summer French said. “This gives them a chance to learn basic decorating skills and be creative.”

The students who participated are  juniors and seniors in Mrs. French’s Culinary 1 Class. The classes were divided into teams and are rewarded bragging rights following a victory in the contest.

“The preparation has been pretty difficult,” junior Jacob Kinsey said. “Sometimes the gingerbread will crack and you have to start all over again. It’s stressful, but I can learn easier and more efficient ways of cooking that help shape me as a chef.”

The friendly competition allowed the culinary students to experience real life scenarios with baking and the stress that can build because of a deadline. The students planned, cooked and assembled the gingerbread in a Christmas-related scene their team came up with.

“I definitely think the vigorous preparation and stress of the deadline has helped me improve my skills,” Scarlett Blackburn said. “This contest has been a lot of fun and helped my classmates and me get into the Christmas spirit.”

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