Everyone remembers the classic newspaper that we all saw once every six weeks since we’ve been in high school. Well, every year up until now that is. The Lindale High School newspaper has moved to an online format in order to stay more accessible and technologically up to date.
“Journalism is changing, “ newspaper advisor Neda Morrow said. “As a part of that change, we have to adapt to the needs of our audience. We want our students to have the most relevant experience possible with their education; therefore, we decided to change from paper to digital in order to provide a real-world journalistic experience.”
The online site features a new easy-to-navigate format that allows readers to connect more directly with the stories that interest them. The online paper will feature the same great pictures and stories we have been accustomed to seeing in the printed edition. Readers will also have the ability to access real-time sports scores and get the latest updates on upcoming games and tournaments.
“Moving to an online newspaper is a great direction to go in this modern technological age,” newspaper staffer Drew Austin said. “All of the gadgets and widgets available for use on the site will make readers feel more up to date and provide a more accessible outlet for district and school-related news.”
Other features on the site include the “Counselors Corner”– a place where students may find information given out by school counselors. Also included is an “Accomplishments” tab showing results of recent non-sport competitions. Many other subject tabs are also featured.
“I love the fact that the newspaper is now more accessible to us students,” junior Shelby Monsivais said. “The move online makes us able to follow school news more regularly and gives the student body the opportunity to know about things that are happening or have happened around our school. It has changed the way we can receive information, and has really opened a unique opportunity for us to become more involved.”
The site also displays a rotating story board on the main page where recent stories alternate with their featured picture and headline being displayed as an interactive link. An announcements block is also featured on the main page.
“Personally I’m very excited about not being limited to 16 printed pages like we had in previous years,” newspaper editor Nikki O’Connor said. “More and more mainstream newspapers are either going out of business or going online. Most LHS students will be exchanging information electronically when they go out into the workforce, so now is the perfect time for our paper to go online.”

School newspaper moves online
Eagle Eye says goodbye to print and hello to digital
November 6, 2013