Candidates and their platforms are listed in alphabetical order.
Photo Credits (Clinton-Jim Young, Reuters; Trump-Getty Images; Johnson-KEVIN KOLCZYNSKI / REUTERS; Stein-WashingtonsBlog)
HIllary Clinton
- Abortion – Pro-Choice
- for funding of Planned Parenthood
- supports Medicaid funding for abortion.
- Economy
- increase taxes on wealthy with “fair share surcharge”
- tax cuts for small businesses
- Social Issues
- for increased rights for LGBT community
- more government funding to allow for debt-free college education
- Energy & Environment
- Invest in green energy
- Opposes Keystone XL oil pipeline (pipeline from Canada to Nebraska)
- Climate change/global warming is caused by humans
Gary Johnson
- Abortion – Pro-Choice
- for Planned Parenthood
- No funding for abortion; other restrictions ok
- Economy
- replace income/payroll taxes with a single consumption tax based on your spending
- Cut federal budget and veto deficit spending
- Social Issues
- personal liberties surpasses all
- No affirmative actions in college admissions nor state jobs
- Energy & Environment
- Humans contribute to climate change, but no government can change that
- Alternative energy good (hydro, wind, nuclear); ethanol subsidies bad
- Federal tax incentives for energy
Jill Stein
Green Party
- Abortion – Pro-Choice
- free birth control
- easier access to “morning after” pill
- Economy
- Increase taxes on wealthy.
- Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage and break up big banks.
- Social Issues
- for increased rights for LGBT community
- Guarantee tuition-free education pre-k through university
- cut military spending by 50% and close 700 military bases
- Energy & Environment
- transition to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and invest in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.
- National ban on fracking and offshore drilling
Donald Trump
- Abortion – Pro-Life
- Defund Planned Parenthood and eliminate federal funding for abortions
- Opposed to abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or life of mother
- Economy
- Reform tax code and trade policies to bring back jobs from foreign countries
- reduce taxes and eliminate federal debt
- Social Issues
- end common core in education
- LGBT issues such as marriage to be decided by the states
- rebuild military and reform intelligence agencies and build wall to end illegal immigration
- Energy & Environment
- supports improving water infrastructure
- opposes certain EPA mandates that effect jobs
- proponent of nuclear energy