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FBI guest lecturer comes to LHS

FBI guest lecturer comes to LHS

FBI guest speaker Brent Chambers came to speak to students about career paths, and what it takes to become a federal agent on November 9. Law Enforcement teacher Jon Johnson thought that having a FBI speaker would be a great introduction to his next lesson about gangsters in the 1920’s.

“We’ve been studying federal crimes, from murders to kidnappings,” law enforcement teacher Jon Johnson said.  “I wanted to get a guest speaker to talk to the kids about careers.”

 Students in Johnson’s class are pursuing a career in some type of law enforcement, but particularly, many students are wanting to go into the FBI.  They gained knowledge from listening to Chambers speak, and they asked many questions.

“They have a lot of jobs in the FBI,” senior Zach Ogle said.  “They’re really complicated but sound really fun too. They do a lot of the stuff we really can’t because they are trained differently than most people.”

Chambers spoke about the many different aspects of being a federal agent. He explained what kind of education it takes and the spectrum of different jobs a federal agent can have. He also explained how being a federal agent is a rewarding career path.

“To become a federal agent you have to have a bachelor’s degree,” Chambers said.  “The decisions these kids make now, are going to impact the jobs that they apply for later, so they need to make good choices basically, because it will catch up to them sooner or later.”

In addition to attending the lecture by Chambers, Coach Adam McMahon’s class is also studying the history of prohibition from the 1920’s.  Students from Johnson’s law enforcement class will teach Coach McMahon’s students in the history class.  Gangsters like Al Capone, Scarface, and Nelson will be a part of the teachings from Johnson’s students.

“When they made alcohol illegal, all these gangsters started making illegal alcohol and got rich,” Johnson said.  “All my students are going to present the life and history of each of these gangsters, so the history class will learn about these gangsters, and my students will get to teach.”

Both Johnson, along with his students, and Macmahon are excited for the upcoming lesson plan.  The opportunity for students to teach others students gives experience and knowledge to the kids.  

“I don’t always have the time to sit their and teach those fun facts,” Macmahon said. “Mr. Johnson is going to do it for me, and his class is going to teach it.  It’s going to be awesome.”


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