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Amy Thompson instructs her students to start reading in sign language. “There was a push to get a few more foreign language options and Mr. Chilek was aware that I knew sign language,” Thompson said. ”I feel like it is my dream job.”
Amy Thompson instructs her students to start reading in sign language. “There was a push to get a few more foreign language options and Mr. Chilek was aware that I knew sign language,” Thompson said. ”I feel like it is my dream job.”

ASL Class Added for Foreign Language Credit

A new American Sign Language (ASL) class has been added at the high school. The class is a chance for students to get their foreign language credit in one year since it is double blocked.

“There was a push to get a few more foreign language options and Mr. Chilek was aware that I knew sign language,” teacher Amy Thompson said. ”I feel like it is my dream job.”
Thompson uses spins on games to help provide students with a fun and interactive way to learn. There are games like silent go fish and sign language scrabble.
“[The games] not only help us retain the information, but we also learn just how fun it is to be able to communicate silently,” sophomore Lauren Van Andel said. “I like that I can incorporate ASL into my daily life.”

Students get a chance to learn about deaf culture through the ASL class. This helps them learn how to better include the hard of hearing and nonverbal into conversation.
“[ASL] teaches students how to connect interpersonally with each other as well as express themselves in a way that conveys meaning,” Thompson said. ”I hope to grow [their] appreciation and understanding for deaf culture, but also give the students a greater appreciation for both visual and written communication.”

The class also gives students an opportunity to make money in college and afterward by interpreting. Having ASL on your resume also looks good to colleges and employers.
“Learning ASL opens doors for later opportunities in almost any field of study they choose to pursue,” Thompson said. “These days so much time is spent behind a computer screen or smart phone that we forget there is much more that goes into communication.”

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