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Lindale ISD Pink Out Raises More Than $10,000 for Breast Cancer Outreach Programs

Lindale ISD Pink Out Raises More Than $10,000 for Breast Cancer Outreach Programs

Lindale Eagle pride is not just reserved for the royal blue and white school colors. The Lindale Independent School District and the Lindale community showed an overwhelming support for pink earlier this month.

The LISD Pink Out held on Friday, October 11 raised $10,890 to benefit the Trinity Mother Frances Ross Breast Center. Funds raised will allow for the continuance of breast cancer awareness education programs and may provide potentially lifesaving, screening mammograms to the underserved women of east Texas.

The LISD Pink Out is an annual district event to show support for breast cancer awareness and research. Funds were raised through the sale of specially designed Pink Out T-Shirts. The Lindale High School Star Steppers and National Honor Society organized the sale of shirts to the community. LISD has hosted the event for the last three years. Eagle fans wear the shirts to the designated football game on Pink Out night.

“We want to say thank you to the Lindale community for joining with us to help support research and treatment for breast cancer right here in east Texas,” said Lindale High School Star Steppers Director Keri Pierce. “Lindale is such a wonderful place and that shows in how our citizens support our school district and our students’ efforts.”

The Lindale ISD partnered with the City of Lindale and the Lindale Area Chamber of Commerce for the 2013 event. The Pink Out coincided with the city and chamber’s Pinktoberfest, the grand opening celebration of Grammy award winning country music artist and Lindale High School graduate Miranda Lambert’s store.

Students placed pink ribbons on light poles and street signs throughout the city and local businesses showed support by painting pink ribbons and the words “Pink Out” on store windows.

“Our students worked extremely hard to not only sale shirts, but to really raise awareness in the community,” Pierce said. “We are so pleased we were able to donate more than $10,000 to the Trinity Mother Frances Ross Breast Center. “

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