Recently, sophomores Emma Grace Cox and Andrea Willoughby hosted a Sseko trunk show at the high school. Sseko is a fashion company that is based in Uganda, and it is run by Ugandan women to help them raise funds for women’s education.
“When the girls initially approached me, my first reaction was that I was impressed with their interest and willingness to help other young women,” Principal Valerie Payne said. “I was also impressed with how they had thought out all of the planning and organization for their event.”
Every product sold at a Sseko trunk show is handmade by a young Ugandan woman. Many of these young women use the proceeds from Sseko to pay for college tuition or to help them purchase resources, and hosting a show is one way for these women to make money.
“The purpose of the trunk show was to show people the incredible story of Sseko,” Cox said. “The best part of hosting the show was connecting with different teachers over Sseko.”
Though only about 10 people came to the trunk show, Willoughby believes that every little bit they can raise will help these Ugandans have a better life. She hopes to host another Sseko trunk show at a later date.
“The best part of hosting the show was just having another chance to share what it’s all about,” Willoughby said. “I’m involved with an amazing company, and I get to make an impact every single day. I’m proud of what I’m doing, and that’s the best part. I would absolutely host another one.”
The girls decided to host a share the story of Sseko and to help the Ugandan women who run the company. They also thought it would be a good idea to host it sometime around the holidays to give teachers an opportunity to purchase gifts for Christmas.
“For me, the best part of allowing the girls to host the show was observing their passion for the mission of Sseko and their excitement during the planning of their show,” Payne said. “If Andie or Emma Grace wished to host another Sseko show, I would support that effort.”