The Student News Site of Lindale High School

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The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

The Student News Site of Lindale High School

Eagle Eye News

Life Skills Students Attend Prom

Zoee Tanner
The life skills students pose for a group photo after dancing at prom. They attended prom on May 3.

The life skills students went to prom at the Maude Cobb Convention Center in Longview on May 3.  Many students, including those from Troup, Diboll, and Tyler, also attended the dance, as well as helpers from other school districts. 

“We do this to give our special needs kids a prom of their own, and to provide an opportunity to socialize with peers and experience high school opportunities,” said life skills teacher Brandy Corriveau. “It gives our students and teachers the opportunity to dress up and feel special in a festive environment.”

After being able to dance for a few hours, they were provided with Little Caesar’s pizza for lunch, as well as drinks of their choice. Although they sat with their group for lunch, they danced and mingled with the students from different schools. 

“Prom is a yearly event for our special needs students held at the Maude Cobb Convention Center in Longview,” Corriveau said. “Our favorite thing about this year’s prom was to see all of the student volunteers that came to help out and be a part of giving our kids the full high school experience.”

The students were also provided a photo booth outside the dance, where they could take pictures. They took a class picture and some individual ones with their families. After eating lunch and taking photos, they returned to Lindale.

“The best part is seeing the kids all dressed up and being excited about getting to see their other friends from different school districts,” Corriveau said. “It’s great just to go and have a good time.”

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Zoee Tanner
Zoee Tanner, Staff Writer
Zoee is a sophomore and staff writer for the Eagle Eye, as well as a clarinet player in the Pride of Lindale band. In her free time, she enjoys watching Netflix and hanging out with her friends. She hopes to study psychology at Sam Houston University.

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