STAAR testing will begin this week for freshman and sophomores with makeup testing on April 19 and April 25. The senior waiver days will be April 16, 18 and 23.
“Testing is like one giant puzzle that I have to complete by a certain deadline,” testing coordinator Cambria Alford said. “Sometimes people don’t realize all of the minute details that go into preparing for one test, and we have five at the high school in one semester.”
The English I EOC will be held on April 16 and the English II EOC will occur on the April 18. April 23 will be the Algebra I & US History EOC and April 24 will be the Biology EOC. All tests are online so students need to bring a fully charged IPAD.
“Our students work so hard throughout the year, and their success does not go unnoticed,” Alford said. “Lindale is a desired place to be because of the standards that we set for ourselves and what we show everyone outside of Lindale day in and day out.”
Attached below is Lindale STAAR testing data.