The Student Council awarded teacher Dacia Taylor as the winner of the Heart Healthy Challenge. The challenge encourages teachers to participate in healthy activities for Valentine’s day.
“This was an idea that we got at the state convention last year,” Renee Ramsey, teacher and student council sponsor, said. “This is just a fun way to make Valentine’s Day more than just chocolate candy.”
Teachers were challenged with several different activities that are considered healthy in order to encourage teachers to continue these steps towards a healthier life. These steps include walks, taking the stairs, and getting blood pressure checked.
“I participated because I honestly just wanted to be a good sport,” Taylor said. “The Student Council does such a good job.”
The winner was chosen based on those who completed the challenge. Taylor received a Swig tumbler and healthy snacks as an award for completing the Healthy Heart Challenge. She teaches junior English and has been teaching for 14 years.
“I believe in the value of a good education, and by that, I mean being able to think for oneself,” Taylor said. “I love my subject, critically reading other’s ideas and eloquently sharing your own.”
It has yet to be decided if this challenge will be continued annually. If it is, the challenges and awards will differ every year.
“Although I am nowhere near as mindful as I should be, being healthy means doing your best to take care of the vessel God gave you,” Taylor said. “ For me, it means grabbing the banana when I really want the whole bag of Snickers.”