Spring season tennis has officially begun. The team has recently played in a tournament in College Station, as well as in the AggieLand and Rockwall tournaments. Spring season tennis is a tournament style of tennis which includes a series of 19 matches that go towards a total of team points. Lindale had its first tournament rescheduled to February 15 in Frisco.
“We’ve got a lot of kids who are improving, but what I’ve seen so far is a complete change in team dynamic and determination,” Coach Randal Namanny said. “I’m most looking forward to seeing what they’re capable of for the rest of the spring; it is going to be very exciting.”
Throughout the season there will be 8 tournaments outside of district play. There’s going to be a district tournament, then a possibility to advance to the regionals tournament and state tournament. District level is the only level in which the team is awarded any type of district championship; after that awards are on an individual basis.