Name: Colt Nichols
Grade: 10th
Extracurriculars: I’m on the fishing team.
What I enjoy doing: I like to fish and hunt.
What makes me unique: One of my arms is longer than the other and I guess God just made me that way.
Talents: I can fish pretty well.
Future plans: I want to be real estate agent and pro fisherman.
What’s on my TV: Usually football.
What I drive: I drive a Ford F-250 and a Toyota Tacoma.
Favorite movies: My favorite movie of all time is probably Grown Ups
Favorite music: Koe Wetzel is definitely my favorite
Favorite website or social media: Instagram is my favorite app.
Superstitions/Phobias: I’m scared of deep water ironically.
Worst habit: I can be out of pocket sometimes
I would love to trade places for a day with: Lebron James
First job: Landscaping
Favorite meal: Cereal definitely
Favorite drink: Milk
Talent I would most like to have: I would like to be a good football player
Favorite celebrity: Adam Sandler
My hero: My grandpa is my hero because he has taught me almost everything I know about life.
Hobbies or interests: I love God and I like going to church on Wednesday.