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Perla Aparicio (12)
Perla Aparicio (12)
Perla Aparicio

Featured Faces: Perla Aparicio

Name: Perla Aparicio

Grade: 12th

Extracurriculars: I’m not involved in extracurricular because I work after school.

What I enjoy doing: I like going out with my friends, and parties

What makes me unique: I will be singing Christmas songs in the middle of summer.

Talents: I’m a very good huapango dancer.

Future plans: I want to be a hairstylist

What’s on my TV: Pretty little liars

What I drive: Back Honda Accord

Favorite movies: Tangled

Favorite music: Norteñas

Favorite website or social media: Instagram

Superstitions/Phobias: I believe in witchcraft

Worst habit: Procrastinating

I would love to trade places for a day with: A baby

First job: Cleaning houses with my mom

Favorite meal: Chicken Alfredo

Favorite drink: Sweet tea

Talent I would most like to have: Perfect pitch

Favorite celebrity: Lizzo

My hero: My mom, she is the strongest person I know physically and emotionally.

Hobbies or interests: I like painting in my free time or cross world puzzles.

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