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Jacobi Adkins (9)
Jacobi Adkins (9)
Jacobi Adkins

Featured Faces: Jacobi Adkins

Name: Jacobi Adkins

Grade: 9th

Extracurriculars: Band

What I enjoy doing: Sleeping/ hang out with friends

What makes me unique: I’m like no other

Talents: Video games

Future plans: Being a Pharmacist

What’s on my TV: SpongeBob Square pants

What I drive: I’m under 15

Favorite movies: Avengers EndGame

Favorite music: Rap

Favorite website or social media: Tik tok/ Snapchat

Superstitions/Phobias: Heights

Worst habit: Procrastination

I would love to trade places for a day with: Kevin Hart

First job: I’m not working yet

Favorite meal: Chicken Strips

Favorite drink: Sprite

Talent I would most like to have: Football talent

Favorite celebrity: Ryan Reynolds

My hero: My mom, my only parent

Hobbies or interests: Videos games

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