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Katlyn Davis (9)
Katlyn Davis (9)
Katlyn Davis

Featured Faces: Katlyn Davis

Name: Katlyn Davis

Grade: 9th

Extracurriculars: Pep squad

What I enjoy doing: hanging out with friends,spending time with family,and wasting money

What makes me unique: I believe I’m interesting because I’m full of wisdom.

Talents: I don’t believe I have any talents.

Future plans: In the future I want to go to college to become a dentist.

What’s on my TV: Grey’s Anatomy

What I drive: I don’t drive

Favorite movies: The Croods, Finding Nemo

Favorite music: Country music

Favorite website or social media: TikTok

Superstitions/Phobias: Autophobia: Fear of being alone.

Worst habit: Biting my nails.

I would love to trade places for a day with: Teacher,I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was little. That isn’t my career path, but I still want to experience it

First job: Haven’t had one yet, but as soon as I turned 15 I plan to start working at Docs.

Favorite meal: Chicken Fried Steak

Favorite drink: Sweet Tea

Talent I would most like to have: I would love to be coordinated, and I’m working on that, but it definitely wasn’t something god blessed me with.

Favorite celebrity: I don’t really have one

My hero: My heros would have to be my stepmom (Kerri Ward), my dad (Dustin Davis), and my youth pastor (Krista Hearon).They have all helped me through hard times in my life and they are always there when I need them the most, i wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for them, and I can’t thank them enough.

Hobbies or interests: I enjoy fishing and watching movies

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