Name: Brian Weber
Grade: 12th
Extracurriculars: None
What I enjoy doing: Hanging out with friends, church, and working out
What makes me unique: I can draw a pretty good Homer.
Talents: Drawing a good Homer
Future plans: Be a PE coach
What’s on my TV: Breaking Bad, Parks and Rec
What I drive: 2002 Chevy Tahoe
Favorite movies: Avatar, Grown Ups, Grown ups 2, Tron.
Favorite music: Most country, rock, and a little rap
Favorite website or social media: Facebook Marketplace
Superstitions/Phobias: None
Worst habit: Phone
I would love to trade places for a day with: Micheal Jordan
First job: Mayday Towers
Favorite meal: Steak and Lobster
Favorite drink: Sweet Tea
Talent I would most like to have: Backflip
Favorite celebrity: Sam Worthington
My hero: My cousin Corbin. He was the reason I played football.
Hobbies or interests: Working out and watching movies