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Students Earn Sergeant Ranking In Cadet Program

Students Earn Sergeant Ranking In Cadet Program

     Class of 2022 graduate Cyrus Barron and seniors Evelyn Sanchez and Trinity Boaz achieved the ranking of sergeant in the Tyler Cadets Program. This is a police academy for young people  ages 14-20 to be taught by licensed officers.

     “I am so proud of each of these students,” law enforcement teacher Paige Ridge said. “I’m so excited that their hard work, commitment, and leadership skills have been acknowledged by the Cadet Program,”

     In order to become a sergeant, one must apply and write a letter on why they should be promoted. They must have had  stable attendance, good grades, and maintained physical fitness.

     “Becoming a sergeant has really been a great experience,” Barron said. “ This allows me to push myself to my limits and become a better leader and officer.”

     Sergeants lead uniform checks, the pledge of allegiance, as well as some training. They also make sure that everyone is informed about future meetings and community service meets. 

     “As a sergeant, I am excited to go to state competitions, train my cadets, and be able to ride with officers,” senior Evelyn Sanchez said. 

     After the cadets programs, Sanchez  and Barron plan to become an officer. Boaz plans on becoming an SVU Detective.  

   “This program has helped me significantly with my confidence and knowledge about being in law enforcement,” Boaz said. “We are always being tested on law subjects and how to grow from it.”

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