As freshmen enter through the doors of the high school on their first day, they experience a whirlwind of emotions. Nervousness, excitement, confusion… They meander through the halls that feel like a never ending maze as they are introduced to multiple unrecognizable faces. They think to themselves “what do I do?!” Luckily, there are a few upperclassmen like me who are willing to share the sacred secrets of how to survive the first year of high school. I present to you: Six Things to Not Do During your Freshman Year.
Step 1: Do not panic
Though this is a new experience, there’s no need to worry. Just accept whatever happens. High school may seem scary, but you’ll soon find out that it’s just the same old same old. Wake up, go to class, go home, repeat. But, contrary to what you have been told, the high school is the most fun you will have in your Lindale career. During the years leading up to this you’ve been told that high school teachers will rule you with a merciless iron fist. But, to be honest, they are just here to help you get out into the real world. They’re too tired to stick to that narrative. You, too, will soon be tired right along with them.
With that being said: appreciate your teachers. Teachers who take on the ninth grade students deserve a raise.
I was a freshman once, too. And I was horrible. I’m here to save you from learning it the hard way… but expect a few jokes here and there.

Step 2: Do not overstep boundaries
Boundaries are an important part of society. Without them, free will would not exist. In high school, it’s wise to know your place. Here are a few examples of overstepping boundaries:
Arguing with Mr. Chilek
This should be a given. Do not do this. Need I explain why?
Blocking traffic in the hallway
Talk to any upperclassman, and they will tell you this very thing. We’ll let you slide for the first week when you’re figuring the campus out, but after that we expect you to know proper hallway etiquette. Stay on your side, follow the speed limit, and upperclassmen have the right of way.

Step 3: Be cautious when making new friends
Going into high school means the inevitable mixing of age groups. To you, 15 years old is just two years off from a 17 year old. But to us, it feels more like five. As someone who had mostly upperclassmen friends throughout my first two years of high school, I can tell you this: it can either be really good or really bad.
It is extremely easy to get mixed into groups with the wrong intentions. I have experienced it, and it hurts to be let down by peers you couldn’t even admit to yourself that you looked up to. But, I then found some of the best friends and role models I’ll have ever had in my life. Upperclassmen can help you grow and have fun as long as you realize the distance between each other. You’re equal in humanity, but not in experience. Find people who will be responsible with the influence they hold over you, not ones who will abuse it.
Step 4: Do not fall behind on school work
Your freshman year sets up your GPA for the rest of high school. If you slack off on school work, it will be difficult to build from a lower foundation than your peers. Along with this, building up good study habits will prove to be highly beneficial for not only your next three years of high school, but college as well.

Step 5: Do not break unspoken rules
Rules that are set in stone with writing are important, sure- but the unspoken rules are arguably the most important ones you will need to follow. There are so many environments that you will be exposed to, but here’s the crown of them all:
Football games.
If you are attending a football game, great. The support is amazing. But do not forget seniority. In the student section, seniors and juniors get first grabs. If it becomes full, you can sit in the section beside us! We are very picky when it comes to seating arrangements.
Don’t try to combat our themes. Just don’t. If we tell you to dress up like a grandma, you dress up like a grandma just like the rest of us. The themes are meant to be a fun group activity. Be a part of the group!
Don’t distract the band while they’re warming up and don’t be disruptive during half-time performances. Not only is this disrespectful, but it simply isn’t funny. The band, twirlers, drill team, and cheerleaders are all respected by the community for the hours of work they put into giving us entertainment during the halftime show. Don’t try to impress everyone else while they’re busy hyping us up.
Step 6: Do not try to grow up too fast
Next year I’ll be graduating and moving off to college. If I could pay a college tuition in order to redo my freshman year, I would. I don’t want you to feel that way. Just because you’re around older kids doesn’t mean you have to be them. Learn how to enjoy your time where life isn’t staring you in the face expecting you to make seemingly a million decisions. Make memories and have fun while it lasts.
Now that you’ve read this, I’m sure you’ll do exactly what I would have done my freshman year. You’ll panic until you figure out high school isn’t so scary after all. You’ll overstep a few boundaries here and there. You’ll be too busy hanging out with your new friends to do your homework. You’ll try to sneak into the student section before the juniors and seniors. Hopefully, though, you have innocent fun while doing it all. Have an amazing first year of high school! Good luck.