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Featured Faces:  Liv Simmons

Featured Faces: Liv Simmons

Name: Liv Simmons

Grade: 12th


What I enjoy doing: Running, listening to music, drivin’ around, hanging out with friends, drawing, coloring, chillin’, eating chocolate from the awesome Lindale Candy Shop, being outside, swimming, reading, playing piano

What makes me unique: nothing lol I’m a normal human being

Talents: I love music, so playing clarinet and piano, spending a ridiculous amount of time doing nothing, procrastinating, and being weird

Future plans: I’m going to Alaska for my graduation summer, then hittin’ the books wherever is cheapest for a quality education.

What’s on my TV: I don’t really watch TV, but when I do, rom-com

Favorite movies: I Feel Pretty, Legally Blonde, 50 First Dates, The Fault in Our Stars, 50 Feet Apart, Flipped, Me Myself and Irene, and many others I’m forgetting

Favorite music: Too much

Favorite website or social media: Youtube/Webtoon–don’t have social media

Superstitions/Phobias: Scared of walking into spider webs (they’re gross to touch but cool to see), scared of losing people I love, superstitious of boys lol 

Worst habit: self-doubt, too-full plate

I would love to trade places for a day with: The wind–I wonder what the wind would do in my place

First job: Level Up Nutrition and Energy

Favorite meal: anything delicious

Favorite drink: water (lame I know)

Talent I would most like to have: flying, but while flying I’m invisible to everyone except the birds

Favorite celebrity: John Krasinski, Ryan Renolds, Camilla Cabello, Ariana Grande, Zac Efron, Blakely Renolds, Shawn Mendez, Taylor Swift (cuz they seem nice)

My hero: My Parents

Hobbies or interests: everything I do outside of school that I said up top

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