EagleVision Productions, also known as the high school film staff, recently submitted four films to the UIL Young Filmmakers Program in Austin. They entered two documentaries, a narrative, and a traditional animation. The contest is held every year in February, and in order to place at state, the films must make it all the way through multiple judging rounds.
“Overall, I am very excited about this year’s films,” EagleVision sponsor Neda Morrow said. “I think they did a great job. They turned in quality work that everyone in Lindale can be proud of.”
One of the documentaries, titled “The New Ark: An Immigration Story,” is about Gihan Boulus, a special education aide at the high school, and her experience moving from Egypt to America. The other documentary, “Sweet Legacy: Preserving the Art of Hand Pulled Candy,” is about the Lindale Candy Company and its history and the part it has played in the community.
“The Candy Company documentary is super interesting because it talks about the founder of the company, Candy Jim,” Morrow said. “He not only created a place that everyone in the town has come to know and love, but he was also a pioneer in Lindale for the rights of people. The story of Mrs. Boulus really taught us something about the immigration process and the struggles that Coptic Christians face throughout the world.”
Eagle Vision also partnered with the theater department to create a narrative/fiction film. The piece is set in an office where all the characters are planets, and the audience is taken on a journey as one planet receives some upsetting news. The traditional animation piece was created by taking pictures frame-by-frame, and is about a crash landing on a planet that worships dogs.
“I am so proud of the work the EagleVision and theater students did,” Morrow said. “The students really put in a lot of work and effort, and we have our fingers crossed that their films will advance all the way to state.”
This year’s films can be seen on the EagleVision Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/EagleVisionMedia .