Life skills students will be headed over to Doc’s Pizza as a way to improve their communication and motor skills in the upcoming weeks. They will also go around the school with their coffee cart selling different treats and drinks to teachers on Fridays.
“During this time we are working around campus, helping to clean surfaces, running errands for teachers, and working on projects,” Stacie Wheeler, community based instruction (CBI) teacher, said. “They help deliver coffee, soda, and snacks to teachers on Fridays, fold boxes at Docs, and roll silverware at Pettys.”
The CBI students at the beginning of the school year were not allowed to journey out to their usual work places because of COVID-19. September 22 was the first time they were allowed to go out and do their jobs.
“I love seeing the students work hard to accomplish our goals, and feel good about themselves with a job well done,” Wheeler said. “The [goal] is learning to work consistently through our allotted time. They are learning to receive orders and follow through, and to communicate on the job.”
There are still certain regulations that students have to follow because COVID-19 is still around, and certain places that the life skills students can not visit. While working off campus life skills students wear gloves and face coverings to protect themselves and others.
“[The most difficult part is] making sure we are keeping the kids safe, as well as the people we are working for,” Wheeler said. “We are also hoping to work in other locations and take some field trips in the spring.”