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Classes visit students for tutoring and support

At the beginning of the year, Ready-Set-Teach teacher Rhonda Walker came up with the idea to send her classes down to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. West’s classrooms. She came up with the plan during an iPad training with another teacher. The idea was to give Ready-Set-Teach students more teaching experience during their first year.

  “We got to talking and thought that it would benefit both of our classes,” Walker said. “Students LOVE interacting with other students.”

  Ready-Set-Teach ventures to specially-chosen classrooms every Friday to interact with the kids. While there, they enjoy doing activities such as playing board games, working on the iPads, and even going to P.E. There are times during the different sports seasons that students will come across signs supporting Lindale that were painted by these students and their new friends. The kids also plan holiday activities like fun food creations for them to make and eat.

“The students LOVE us to do holiday activities with them,” Walker said. “We will be looking at the calendar to start planning and creating for those learning experiences.”

  The Ready-Set-Teach classes have formed a connection and friendship with these kids that expands beyond the Friday fun and games. It is not rare to hear numerous “hellos” in the hallway, and they often wonder what the classes have planned for the next week.

  “I believe that this is helping my students,” Walker said. “There is nothing better than hands-on teaching experiences and building a rapport with other students who need a little more help.”


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