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Texas Representative Louie Gohmert speaks in the lecture hall. Gohmert spoke about his life and the government.
Texas Representative Louie Gohmert speaks in the lecture hall. Gohmert spoke about his life and the government.
Alanna Kologey

U.S. Representative Speaks to Seniors

United States Representative Louie Gohmert came to talk to senior government and economic classes. Gohmert spoke about his life, different aspects of his job, and the economy.

“I love being here,” Gohmert said. “I was amazed high school students paid attention like they did, especially talking about Wall Street, the heightened abuse under Bush, and the federal government spying on Americans.”

Gohmert wanted to speak to high school seniors to emphasize the importance of their voices. He wants to educate the upperclassmen on details of the economy and government that would be imperative for the future.

“So it is very important for the seniors here to know what is out there,” Gohmert said. “Most of the time in history, when a government was brought to task, teenagers and adults in their early 20s were upset and made their voices heard and reigned governments in.”

Gohmert grew up in Mount Pleasant, Texas and attended college at Texas A&M and Baylor University. He has been a representative since 2005 in the first congressional district.

“For those not familiar with Louie Gohmert, representative for United States House District 1, this allowed the opportunity to personally see and hear him speak about his experiences in the legislature, as well as current and past issues before Congress,” government teacher Carl McNiel said. “Seniors have studied (or are studying) government this year. Any opportunity to meet with our elected representatives and hear their views is welcome.”

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