You know to go to Lindale High School…
- When you know what coronation is, and you have to explain it to new students.
Jude Ratcliff
Senior Lainey Goodson is escorted by senior Colton Brown at coronation. Goodson was nominated to be a duchess. - If you have ever thought it is a little weird that you hold an the letter L up to support your sports teams.
- When you go to Whataburger after school but do not buy anything.
- If you walk around Walmart for fun.
- If you have been stopped because of crowds of people at least once at the intersection by the science hall.
- When every student freaks out if there is any type of quarreling resembling a fight.
- If you have found a creative style that does not break dress code.
- If someone has tried to recruit you to work at Splash Kingdom.
- When you see DOC’s pizza rolls sitting outside of the lunch room everyday.
- If you have never used the staircase next to the PAC or if this is the first time that you have heard about it.
- If you feel awkward going to the back building unless you are involved in FFA or agricultural classes.
- If half of your teachers have elaborate hall passes.
- If there is a rivalry between the band and the football team.
- If you hate the color red.
- If you have been emailed by a person on the newspaper or yearbook staff asking for a quote.
- If trying to get out of the parking lot after school is a nightmare.
- If you pass by a Miranda Lambert display everyday.
- If you have at least one family member going to school with you.
- If you pass by empty lockers everyday, or you forget that the school even offers lockers.
- If you have a car freshener from Lindale Floral.
- If you know what a Star Stepper is.
Haylee Haxton
The Starsteppers perform a dance routine at the pep rally. Also known as the drill team, Starsteppers performs during halftime at all of the football games. - When you are upset that the taco truck leaves before school lets out on Tuesdays.
- When more parents than students come to pep rallies.
- When every student crowds into the student section at football games and stands for the entire game.
- If you know what the Flock is.
- If there are more trophies in your school for academics and the arts than anyone would expect.
- If you have a 4.0 GPA, but you are still not in the top ten percent.
- If the best part of your day is when Mrs. Betty Hicks greets you at the front door.