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Senior Mykayla Walker poses for a photo. She is involved in yearbook and various sports.
Senior Mykayla Walker poses for a photo. She is involved in yearbook and various sports.
Photo Courtesy of Mykayla Walker

Featured Faces: Mykayla Walker

Name: Mykayla Walker

Grade: 12th

Extracurriculars: Yearbook, volleyball manager, basketball, and softball

Hobbies Outside of School: Netflix and sleeping

What Makes You Unique: I’m very outspoken and opinionated for my age

Future Plans: Air Force, then medical school to become a trauma surgeon

What’s on my TV: The 100

What I drive: Mazda CX-7

Favorite Music: Alternative (Billie Eilish, Lana Del Rey, Troye Sivan)

Favorite Movies: Lights Out, The Boy, anything horror really

Favorite Social Media: Twitter

Worst Habit: I turn off the lights even when someone’s in the room.

I would love to trade places for a day with: Jennifer Lopez

First Job: Dylan’s Barbecue Saloon in Dallas, TX

Favorite Meal: Any Chinese food

Favorite Drink: Sprite

Talent I would most like to have: Extreme flexibility

Favorite Celebrity: Billie Eilish

Favorite city to visit: New York

My Hero: My mom

Interests: Journaling, listening to music, and YouTube

My Bucket List: Become a successful trauma surgeon, and move back to New York


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