Congratulations to the following FFA teams who competed at the Lindale FFA LDE competitions last night. 15 schools from across the area brought over 200 FFA members to compete last night! Several of our amazing teachers, staff, parents and community members helped make it possible! We received many compliments on our judges, facility and contest. Thank you to all those who helped make it possible!
Sr. Chapter Conducting- 5th place
Jr. Chapter Conducting- 5th place
Radio- 4th place
Agriculture Issues- 2nd place
Agriculture Advocacy- 2nd place
Sr. Farm Skills- 4th place
Jr. Farm Skills-2nd place
Sr. FFA Creed Speaking- Alli Harris: Heat Winner and 1st place in the Finals!
Jr. FFA Creed Speaking- Whitney Bacon: 2nd in Heat and 1st place in the Finals!
Public Relations-7th place
Senior Quiz- 4th place
Thank you for all your support of these students! We will leave out early Saturday morning for a contest in Waskom!
Have a great day!
Becca Curry
Lindale FFA