Prayer and Share is currently getting ready to host a bonfire in order to bring members closer together in their faith as well as well as to each other. The event will be held at senior Jason Misenheimer’s home and is open to anyone who is involved in the organization.
“We are having the bonfire so that we can have more time to worship and so we don’t have to be extremely serious,” Misenheimer said. “We will be able to hang out, talk together and Kelby Bates and I will have our guitars to play and sing a little bit.”
There are plenty of activities that are being planned for the occasion including singing and activities that will enable bonding. They promise to have plenty of food and drinks and lots of fun games and entertainment.
“I believe that joining a group of people that share the same faith will make people more comfortable with each other,” Senior Esther Crosby said. “The organization gives students a group of people that they are able to connect with and feel comfortable around.”
The organization meets every Friday morning at 7:20 in the library. Mrs. Purl sponsors the fellowship, but it is mostly volunteers who speak and pray. The club has welcomed their largest group of 23 people, but they insist that it needs to continue to grow.
“Most of the people that come to meetings are very strong in their faith but have at one point found themselves to be lost,” Junior Gavin Downing said. “Everyone gets lost at times, and we all need somewhere to turn for answers; that’s the reason that I came in as a freshman and haven’t left.”

Flame of fellowship
Prayer and Share prepares for bonfire
October 27, 2013